
اكتشف سلام التأمل الحقيقي

Discover the Peace of True Meditation

Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation presented in Farsi & EnglisH
Meditation for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing – Always Free
Millions around the world are enjoying our free meditation since it was started by Shri Mataji in 1970. Her meditation promotes mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the Power that created you”.
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Quick start to your meditation

Step 1. Guided meditation to activate your inner being.

Follow the steps in this video by the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. You will directed to place your right hand on various energy centres on the left side and take silent affirmations to activate your inner being, This process is called Self-Realisation.

Introductory step of the ‘Self-Realisation’ meditation with Farsi
Shri Mataji Public Program  Australia 1987
Step 2. How to meditate

Once your inner being has been activated, follow these steps for your daily 10 minute meditation. There’s no need to repeat Step 1 above each time.

  • Sit comfortably with both hands open, palms up on your lap. Sit on a chair or on the floor, as you wish. If you can, remove your shoes, to give you a connection with Mother Earth.
  • Take a few deep breaths, then breathe in a quiet, relaxed way.

Meditator - Silence

  • Keep your attention above your head. Let thoughts go without following them.
  • If thoughts continue, say gently within yourself, “Not this thought” or “I forgive myself, I forgive everyone”.
  • When you are peaceful, see if you can feel a gentle cool breeze on your hands, or gently blowing upwards above your head.
  • When you feel the cool above your head, gently keep your attention there. Rest both hands on your lap, palms up.


Meditator-No-thoughts 01

  • Relax and enjoy the peace and silence within.

.آرام باشید و از آرامش و سکوت درون خود لذت ببرید

Santoor music for meditation. (Duration: 10:11 mins)

Meditating daily for 10 minutes will help to strengthen your experience.

Live meditations

Live meditation 24/7

(English only)
All day and every day – Guided meditations, talks, music and more!

2 minute by Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji will awaken your inner being so you start doing Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Online & In-person Classes and Courses • Subscribe to our YouTube ChannelRegister for a Course


Register your details so we can include you in all of our online meditation events. We’ll keep in touch with emails and WhatsApp (optional).
All classes and online events are always free of charge!

Daily live meditations on YouTube, Facebook & Zoom

Collective meditation sessions with clearing, balancing, talks and discussions on a topic of the day. Suitable for complete beginners and regular mediators. Zoom sessions are interactive so you’ll be able to chat privately with our presenters if you have any questions.

Visit our Webcast calendar page for list of daily events.


Audio and video podcasts you can stream to your desktop, tablet or phone. Includes guided meditations, guest speakers, music and talks by Shri Mataji (founder).

Subtle System

When we receive our Self Realisation, our Spirit is awakened and the Subtle System becomes connected with the all pervading life force.